
Magnesium and Tics: The Miracle Drug

Well, the very scary, four-month, nervous breakdown inducing exciting summer with my kids has begun! If I had to compare it to swim lessons, I’d put myself in the water wing category. Tomorrow, I move up to the kiddie pool. By Friday, I’ll hit the steps of the big pool. By the weekend, I’ll be in the deep end. By Monday, well, I better be on a raft with a margarita in my hand. Since I don’t drink, however, I’ll settle for a decent routine where we can all get some work and play in.

Like last night! I took Stink to his first Dodger game. At first he was totally bored, but soon got into it. Who doesn’t love fries, popcorn, peanuts, Dippin’ Dots, and, of course, the foam finger? (And no, to answer some of your questions, I didn’t worry that he ate a lot of crap. We don’t eat like that every day, and for us, a little joy is worth it. I know some people are a bit more strict, but for now, the only thing I’m really a stickler on is gluten – as in NONE. Though last night, for the first time in two years, he had some very minor bits of Oreo in his Dippin’ Dots. He survived! Whoo hoo! Not making it a habit, though.)

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Side note: I’m pretty sure Stink was the only kid in the stadium that wore Heelies combined with mesh shorts and a Children’s Place camouflage suit jacket, but the Dodgers won, and they all matched in their shiny crisp uniforms, so it worked out. Besides, my kid could care less. “I’m wearing Cookie Monster Dodger blue!” he said of his tee-shirt choice. Really, in the scheme of things, his fashion choices are just fine with me.

Tic update

Some of his vocals are back again – sort of a minor throat quack deal. I don’t think it’s due to the lack of Taurine. I think it’s because his NAC also ran out.



As I mentioned in a previous post, NAC stands for N-acetylcysteine. It is a natural supplement that acts as an antioxidant and glutamate modulating agent.  The only side-effect commonly seen with NAC is nausea. Stink has never had this, thank God!

According to this webinar, featuring Dr. Mark Mintz, “They (a study) found the N-acetyl cysteine decreased symptoms of trichotillomania (hair pulling) compared to placebo. It makes theoretical sense as NAC can modulate dopamine. So, there are reports that NAC can improve mood disorders as well (such as obsessive compulsive disorder). There needs to be more research and reports to have a better handle on the effects of NAC in Tourette, but it appears to show some promise.”

Tomorrow I will get some more NAC and I’ll update you next week.

More on Magnesium

One of the best posts I’ve seen on Magnesium is this one by Birth Faith. I’ll let you click on over and see for yourself what she has to say. She has studies to back up her findings on how this supplement works on tics. She doesn’t talk about using Magnesium as a supplement. Instead she says:

“So far the only remedy we’ve tried that has shown significant and immediate results is magnesium. Surprise, surprise. 🙂

For a little over a week, I have been doing an experiment. When I notice my daughters tics getting more noticeable and obvious, I put magnesium to work for her in one of three ways:

  1. back rub with magnesium cream,
  2. foot soak with magnesium bath crystals,
  3. bath with magnesium bath crystals.

Afterward, I watch her carefully to see if her body responds. Of those three treatments, I would say the tics subside most following the magnesoothe cream back rubs and full-body magnesium crystal baths, but all three have brought about improvements. This, of course, makes us very happy. With daily magnesium-boosting, her magnesium levels should be restored in a month or two, and perhaps her tics will disappear entirely? That’s our hope!”

I hope this helps you all! Until next time,

Until next time,

May God grant you the serenity to accept the tics you can’t change, change the tics you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.


Connect with me on FacebookTwitter and at Armonia on Mondays. (Email works, too! Warning: I’ll likely email back.)

3 thoughts on “Magnesium and Tics: The Miracle Drug”

  1. Hi Andrea,

    My daugher(11) has a history of tics. After my son was diagnosed with celiac 2 1/2 years ago, our whole family has gone gluten free. I also found out that i have dermatitis herpetiformis (celiac, skin presentation). After she was 100% gluten free her tics completely vanished. Amazing, to say the very least! However, her tics came back three months ago for no apparent reason? I am baffled. They are a degree worse this time too. I am considering having her tested for PANDAS as she was sick right around the onset of the tic returning. It seems like the only logical explanation seeing as how she is still 100% gluten free. I would also add that she started having difficulty sleeping around the same time. We have found that melatonin works wonders for that though. Thank God!
    Interested in hearing more about the supplements you have had success with and whether or not your son was tested for a deficiency and if he has had food allergy testing done?

    Thanks for your time!

  2. My son is 6 I noticed all the tics pretty much from eye blinking to head an neck jerking but the crazy thing about it is it onky does it every few months, laat time he ticed was in April an now it came back the end of June an it seeemed to disappear he hasn’t been tested for anything his Neuro said to keep watch an if it becomes bothersome let him know so test can be run! What to do!

  3. My youngest offspring are grown now, but as teenagers I would notice their knees or hands sometimes trembling or shaking. Someone advised magnesium and it seemed to help.
    As I grew older, I suffered from leg cramps in bed most nights and sometimes during the day. I now take a Magnesium supplement with a Magnesium Oil to apply in the night if I’m woken by the cramps. I haven’t had to use the oil for some time now as the cramps have virtually disappeared.
    Wouldn’t it be great if all our ailments could be alleviated with the right foods or supplements? My best wishes go out to you and your readers in finding the answers for your children.

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